Thursday, August 9, 2012

Honorable Mentions

It's amazing that this blog is connected for Internet users around the other side of the world to look at. They are from mainly Europe and particularly Russia. I guess readers from Russia must like looking at other people's blogs the most. I don't really see it as that big of a threat because I'm not about to reveal any top secret stuff related to the government. I'm just going to continue writing about personal stuff that I feel like divulging. Anyway, I thank the Americans who make their way to this site for making what this site has become to me.

I'm also honored to have received a few hits this month from the Ukraine! The reason for this is because they feature some of the most beautiful women in the world, so it doesn't really hurt my confidence at all. It's also interesting that someone used an exotic browser like Dolfin and SeaMonkey to read this blog. I've never even heard of those browsers, but I guess it's used by some super computer enthusiasts who might share a similar sense of humor with me.

 I'm going to give some lost causes an honorable mention. I have finally thought up something that would suffice my appetite in staying away from Hope of God Church L.A. for good. They are really a lost cause for me, and it's not something I jumped to the conclusion of right away- it honestly took me awhile to think of everything that happened for me to get to this point. I really want a great reason to leave them for good and never really think about them again after what they did to me, and I have it now.

There's a guy there, who shares a really pitiful fear of me. He has some moronic feelings of a girl which just puts me to shame of ever having known him. I want to help him conquer his feelings of being a coward with me and have the guts to befriend me again on Facebook. No pain, no glory! If Jarred Taing leaves the church by the time I ever decide to visit then there's really no reason to stick around anyway and something I might as well just go "Oops, what a loser!" and then painfully move on for good after the second thing I accomplish.

I know that a woman nicknamed Lee at the church is a staple over there. She isn't budging from her location. If she doesn't know already, I'm going to let her know something when it's appropriate timing. Note: this deals with a little grown up talk so hopefully kids have a great laugh about it, too. In my personal relationship with Lee, she put a civil restraining order on me to never let talk to her but it's going to be over soon! I'm going to have to let her know that I never really liked her that much as she thought I did. Guys can pursue other women so aggressively and some women are open to it from guys in general so I don't really see my image dealing with her as that big of a deal now.  She also thought it would be reasonable to chase me away from pursuing after Betty Lam who I was only messing around with for some laughs and a little practice for the real thing I'm likely to encounter now.  Therefore, I think she caused in effect to make Betty leave the church too. Lee also told me that she loved me and that I was struggling with feelings of having lots of sex! That's a little too aggressive for me in what Lee did, and I know she meant great intentions for me but come on, I can't establish anything intimate with her for life now and any relationship she creates is only going to be a joke to me. I hope it's not too much for Lee to take all this in when I see her face-to-face one day but hopefully a little love for on her end would make her laugh about it with me and be accepting of what happened.