Thursday, August 23, 2012

How To Help Someone

Based on my experiences, I finally put the puzzle piece together and can now state it works like a charm and is very fitting. You'll see what I mean so let's get down to the chase.

1. Flexibility

Our selfish nature sometimes drives us to want to dominate others into doing things our way. Everybody works differently even though we'd like to think that our way is more superior than others sometimes. Just try managing a thousand people at an important job you totally disagree with and telling them to do things your way because more than likely you'll be stressing out or looking for a new career.

2. Taking in the pain

Being a parent is a painful job sometimes because the children might do something that can extremely hurt your feelings at times. They might say nasty things or reject you. Lashing back at them is only stating that you haven't learned to deal with those emotions from people criticizing your behavior or saying negative comments that just angers you. It's in moments like these that you get to realize that you could be the stronger person and realize how strong it is to hold back your emotions and then proceed in a calm, assertive manner.

3. Honesty

Getting straight to the point is always an underrated thing. Sometimes, we don't want to satisfy others by sharing something that we think the person doesn't know. It's like trying to hold on to some type of authority and based on giving out useful information based on doing some rewards system. From holding back intentionally, this is where you could turn out to really be contradicting yourself. When everything gets found out and trust me, in those few important relationships your closed ones will eventually come to realize, then maybe it could end up in a bitter toss up.

4. Holding No Grudges

In my opinion, this is probably the most difficult concept to grasp for most people. In the American society, we live with getting angry at other drivers or blowing a short fuse over the most little things that should be considered minor problems. People have come to a point where they're just judging based on pretenses of being comfortable. It's sort of a misguided direction because there are people suffering in this world who don't have privileges like we do. They can't know what it's like to be comfortable and are probably surviving in the most harshest environments- sure, there will be some among them who complain blatantly but for the ones who don't, they surly possess something that most of us might never fully experience. With anger and all about being comfortable in current times being how current times are, we're missing the most important points in how to get along with others and seriously assist those in need. Therefore, we should focus our attention on loving those we care for more than just being angry and hanging onto blaming another person for something totally really out of his reach or maybe he just did it. Trust me, it's a more powerful state to let go of a grudge.