Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Managing Relationships vs. Lost Cause

My relations with Hope of God Church L.A. is pretty much over and a major lost cause that I feel is highly insignificant with my proceedings. I've found something unique in dealing with some females I really care about. By looking out for their interest and also going after mine at the same time, it's a lot easier for me to subject to what they want to do more than how I feel about a proposal if they express sensitive disapproval.

There's probably like only one girl who causes a major headache in my life because she can't function properly for some reason. This girl is my little sister! I'm starting to really care for her and think getting along with her would only benefit the both of us because we're related by blood. It gives off this feeling that we were born to be naturally decent people and with these bright genes at succeeding in life.

I really have someone in mind that I'm going to try to give a chance at setting up something special. I really want to get close to her because I feel a form of bubbliness and attraction while I'm around her and also when we're not together. I'm going after the best thing that life has to offer for me, and I think it's the most natural way to look at things along with how God intended for everyone to live. She might just very well be that special person who I want to devote my attention to.