Thursday, October 18, 2012

Adding Icing To The Cake

I think a lot of things don't really matter, but still many reasons of wanting to be accepted for who a person is  and many different crazy ideas out there, it just makes me laugh while blocking out any personal frustrations. I guess I have the basic goods from basically just being born and having some functionality even if it might turn limited later in life.

Forget the past, think forward, be thus minded. Philippians 3:13-16

I guess life gets really hard sometimes but then again might as well just work hard and be patient in my moral upbringing and go from there and be sure to get all those little things done to ensure my health and to have fun later with the right people in mind. I guess it doesn't hurt to paint the barn and work out and build muscle and do some fun stuff like doing back flips and breaking bricks from mastering a form of martial arts. It's a lot of hard work to do those things, but then again it seems like fun to do them and to focus on those things along with a great relationship with a good person.