Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blog Is Peaking

I've been a little unhealthy this past weekend. I guess I have a lot of private issues that seem pretty natural to deal with just like everybody else does. I think it would be really inappropriate for me to talk about the things that make me tick in a bad way because if little kids are reading this, then I think it would mean something bad afterwards. Okay, so some of the things where I was really releasing my negative energy over something I didn't understand- I think those posts are okay.

My blog has reached only 600 views this month which is the largest amount of views ever for this blog! Man, I don't know how this blog has amassed 600 reads for a month after over six years but I guess it's something I don't really mind. I can say that I'm a writer because there's somebody in this world reading this piece of art or junk. I may not be the greatest writer in the world, but at least I try to imitate like one every once in awhile.

I'm seriously going to try once again with the love of God in my life and personal sorrows to end my personal sins that are keeping me from being ideally happy. I think I'm just lacking some serious conviction in my life because I haven't been reading the Bible or attending church in awhile. After the incident of that church kicking me out over questioning if I liked some of the ladies who attended there, I haven't been the same dedicated believer for awhile. It really created a spiritual funk in me. It's a good thing I realize the things that were bothering me and now I know how to go about it.

Oh well, I value friendships with everyone good and bad a lot but looks like if I can't manage them all then I might as well go for succeeding in my life and going after bigger things in life instead of just standing put with something. I think it's all just a matter of being in the mood now. It's really sick that I understand some things a little better now and possibly I should trust some of my senses when dealing with people.