Saturday, October 20, 2012

Making Mistakes About Love

One of the hardest issues for me to deal with when it comes to forming relationships is managing my anger. Maybe a woman won't be so responsive from being busy and not really interested in you, oh well. Being the guy, if I'm really interested in the girl, I'm going to wait it out and do my part in trying to get to know her and see what she's about still. If she ends up forming a bond with someone else then it's like crash and burn and time to find someone else again.

I guess it really helps to hold back those feelings of getting intimate with a person and to get to know the person just to make sure what type of person she really is and to also realize what could possibly happen in the future. Falling in love is actually a lot of fun- I think I might have been in love once but never really gave into the feeling. I believe that it's actually fun to try out new things and to chase after women who you're interested in even if she doesn't really want to do anything with you. The issue with making mistakes is just making painful realizations and I think sticking to some safe principles and keeping a cool head will seriously help in forming a lasting relationship with the partner.