Saturday, October 13, 2012

More To Come

Even though the doors may be shut sometimes by some influential people, there is a bigger picture. There are more opportunities out there- meaning there are always bigger fish in the sea to go after and catch. It's a hard world out there and without having the slightest clue of personal morals and standards, it's going to be a very bouncy trip out on the sea.

The Bible states that honesty is like a kiss on the lips (Proverbs 24:26). I guess looking at the verse it would mean to encourage us to answer honestly to our loved ones for a more intimate relationship. It also means that being truthful when questioned allows others to regroup themselves if something cataclysmic happens. 

I'm finding myself becoming more addicted to being an honest person because it's helping me deal with some rotten issues in my own selfish nature and how it applies to leading others in the right direction. It's just laboring when being honest and also cunning and funny and very nice at the same time. It helps in getting along with others, and it's something I am finally living in with patience.

Honestly, I'm so glad that I have some women who I am attracted to, regardless of their marital status and pursuing an honest friendship with them. It's just helping me figuring out who I am and what I'm made of and when the moments comes for me to become a husband and dad, I won't be standing around in the sidelines or will myself to failure.