Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Interesting Turnout

Basically, the girl I actually felt comfortable liking for the first time in my life since high school had okay results. Man, those high school puberty days were so horrible! I remember trying to squeeze my acne and feeling terrible about my appearance and then telling this cute Caucasian girl that I liked her on the phone. Man, that was so hard to admit it to her. It was the toughest thing I ever did in high school which was to admit that I sort of liked her.

Those were some funny days- she's my Facebook bud and all grown up all settled down now with kids of her own. At least she likes one of my Facebook posts and probably still gets a decent amount of encouragement from me. Okay, I'm cool with it.

This girl I've been talking too is pretty chatty and I sort of like it! I can tell that I'm getting a lot of useful info on how women like to think or basically, the kind of women I like. I guess it's really positive for me with how things have been going for us. In a matter of four months, she's technically text me more times than any other human has done in my lifetime. That's some serious amount of texting and I like it! Chatting comfortably with a woman that I'm actually into feels good. I'm really cool about how she wants to run things with her boyfriend and all- I don't mind if they get married now; I'm just on my own personal journey and I've been told by another female friend to not worry and that my time will come.