Saturday, October 20, 2012

Realizing Potential

Lot of things happen in life where you might not always understand everything. Being in a situation where I'm at, sometimes the best thing to do is to move forward. From not always being sure about stuff, I sometimes had a knack to do okay things. Despite people doing wrong to me and with the little things that bug me, it's important for me to still get along well enough to get to where I would like to be. Sometimes, people are just not going to be at a destination I'm headed for.

I am okay with it now and with the stupid things I did in the past, I'm now laughing about it even though if it got me in so much trouble. I'm learning to just deal with those consequences underneath and just take it in and move forward now. If the people around me who were affected are not willing to do the same, then I'm just going to have to move along still without them if time does not permit me to get through to them; also, it's just a choice I finally have to make in letting some people go. It's a judgement call that I do not like, but I'm going to have to make it in order to do the right thing. I think I'm just not going to try to do too much now and only do enough that I think pretty much resembles a decent effort and then move along without stressing out so much about it if it doesn't click well.