Friday, October 26, 2012

Atheist Mantras

Just now, I looked up an interesting post of Atheist mantras on IMDB after being slightly appalled over Kirk Cameron's Hollywood box office history. Not to mention, Kirk Cameron does seemingly have a really attractive wife and six children so there must be definitely some fun involved with their relationship. One of these days for me man, even if I don't ever get there. It seems like I'm just naturally a pretty funny guy who gets heavily agitated when angry but still tries to stay friendly with everybody while under it. It must be a scary thing to some people while being a guy and really small Asian dude. More and more, I'm getting used to being shorter than the average American and accepting the personal sadness from wanting to be taller. Overall, it just shouldn't really matter to a man or bother him in general. 

I've noticed that most Atheist's way of thinking can be likened onto a mature Christian's way of thinking too. For myself, I've actually stuck with trying to be a Christian since second grade and after being exposed to different walks of life and philosophies and other religions all the way through a Bachelor's degree with over 250 units; I can sort of see some major differences between an Atheist and Christian. I'm just going to highlight some of the mantras I saw from that post which was interesting to me:

"Being an atheist means you don't have to think of yourself as a sinful wretch who can never do anything right. "

The Bible pretty much says that nobody is perfect. I've asked random people all my life if they think they are perfect, and they all say that they aren't even though I've heard one say that he is perfect in another area. Yeah, you can be strong in one area and be weak in another; I don't know if it's just natural DNA or something but that's how a human life rolls. 

"Being an atheist means you don't have to throw yourself down in agony and beg some terrible cosmic dictator for forgiveness for being the way he created you to be."

The Bible pretty much says that God is a loving person. The Bible says that God is broken up into three persons and are still one. This can still be logically monotheistic because God being omnipotent would be able to do anything impossible like having three persons make up one person. Like water can be gas, liquid, or solid; another one I heard, a person could wear three different hats and be still the same person such as being an engineer, mathematician, and loving husband/father. These three persons of God in the Bible all love the same person which is everyone in the world, even if a human is consistently sinning. Some people are caught in a cycle of addiction and can't get out of it because some disorder happened, so yeah, if there is a God who can deliver people out of addictions, why not let it be the God we read about in the Bible?  

"Being an atheist means that when you're sick or hurt, you trust in doctors and hospitals, which actually work, not faith healing and prayer, which don't."

It's pretty clear that in the Bible, medical doctors would be a god send to the people. If they are there then why not utilize them because God cares for us and why wouldn't God of the Bible not allow people to have access to immediate medical attention? Also, prayer is used as taught in the Bible to help dispel worries and aid in a peaceable state of mind. 

"Being an atheist means you don't believe in eternal life, or resurrection, or reincarnation, or any other conceit that cheapens the value of the all-too-brief time we have on earth."

Christians believe in a God incarnate which is the Son of God who was sent to this world to be crucified for our sins, dead, and buried in a tomb. After three days, Jesus would be resurrected and reach out to 500 witnesses who allegedly testified to see the same thing. In the court of law, 500 witnesses agreeing to the same detail would be classified as substantial evidence. It's hard enough to get two witnesses to collaborate on scheming with the same details, but if done right the courts will convict!  

"Being an atheist means you lack belief in all gods, all religions and all supernatural entities alike."

Christians believe in the one true almighty God who is three persons in one. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Bible lays out the well-known 10 Commandments and first one says to worship the true God and not other idols. This also is stated in context with the Bible that those idols are not alive and will not assist in actual help in times of personal crisis and desperate measures except provide false hope.