Monday, May 27, 2013

Where I Finally Stand With People

It's been a good 13 years of weirdness for me from high school to college. Even I had a couple chances at love from a couple great women. However I would go on to heavily fail to seal the deal.

That's life and believe it or not it's normal. What I am finally getting at is that I have been having the hardest time with people coming up with wrong comments about me and me not understanding where they came from. I was so immature about it to and fuming so much underneath. I now am not so mad because that's one of the bad things people could do to me and where I will actually act to get that fixed.

I care about the really wrong misconceptions that affect my relationships with people. I don't mind letting go of some as friends if they completely understand me and just plain to choose to not like me. Some of these people with misconceptions are also associated with bad character and thus, I wish to limit socializing with them now after letting them know and if they still don't wish to change.