Monday, October 15, 2018

Finding Purpose

All I can really think about right now is hard work and how I'm not really in the mood for joking around too much. It's like I'm catching myself from doing typical guy stuff and want to keep on reforming myself for the better. I'm starting to have so much confidence with myself and for the time being, I'm going to just keep on working at it.

I guess when everything is so crystal clear with this whole who I should pursue approach, then I will know when that moment is happening for me. Well, it's been pretty cool to have a to-do list and to check off and uncheck the same thing daily! Yeah, it's rather nice to be able to plan everything out and to review it consistently.

I'm just practicing with letting everything flow and want to keep on seeking after growing in my faith with Jesus. It's only a matter of time when I won't have my parents around, and it's like I've already fully grown up. It's really on me to flourish from implementing personal discipline and putting a lot of time into the things I'm interested in doing for a living. I can say that I feel joyful about where I'm at and how it's exciting to be working hard to aim for cool stuff. It's again all meaningless without having this joy in the Lord.