Monday, October 22, 2018

Hanging Out With Girls

I had the privilege last weekend of hanging out with four girls and another guy who really didn't do much but just be there for the birthday girl and hang out with his ex. This means that four girls including the guy's ex were free for me to get to know. They are all from different families too, so it meant different personalities and all sharing a similarity- they have a history of mental disorder and were open about sharing it. I like one of the girl's personalities a lot and she's managing her symptoms really well and is a dainty and chill lady with consistency. She's seen as cute, pretty, and beautiful by the other ladies even though she has a small belly popping out. This is saying something with how the personality will outshine appearance on a long-term scale for mature people.

I noticed one girl make a lot of crude and dirty jokes while espousing the acts of smoking weed and it was pretty annoying for me to think about on the grounds of health reasons for me. One of the ladies unfortunately had an episode where the people in her head started spatting out insults and she lost control while getting too angry and then yelling at them out loud with all her energy and we were able to hear what she said but not her voices. It was really sad for us to experience it and I had the blessing of being able to see her get out of the episode. It comes and goes for her daily and it's on her mind 24-7 that it distracts her from doing anything else and she's too mad and regretting everything she said was negative after the episode. There is no cure for it with medicine and all her medication does is that it puts her to sleep when she can't handle yelling at those voices anymore and not paying attention to her surrounding. She isn't violent but it seems like almost everyone wants to pity her and keep their distance if it seems like it's going to make her uncomfortable.

I seem to know a lot about the details and how to deal with it because I've had a few years of hanging out with her to put it all together. Plus, she's been very open about her episodes with me while treating it as if it's really happening for her. I've told her I deny it's real and that her people in her head can't do anything to me even though she has said that they are doing something to me. She believes I'm invulnerable to her evil voices and that I'm hot for helping her so I guess that's cool and I have a personal laugh at a lot of what she says while yelling from thinking it's funny for her to try to provoke a catfight with the evil little girls in her head. She isn't violent and is very benevolent towards people and even loves people in general. I think this is why she has repeatedly checked out of mental hospitals early. There really is no cure except for those to be bothered by it who don't like what she's doing and feeling hurt when she's pointing blame at them because of it. The blame isn't really their fault and she's just seeing it like how those voices have attached themselves to others from some spiritual realm she believes to be very real while obviously it doesn't exist for everyone else.  

One good thing I noticed from this weekend is that she gained another friend who sincerely wants to help her through her mental problems with those evil voices. She could sure use more of these friends to help her through and I'm glad that I want to encourage it.