Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Seeing the Bigger Picture

Being a guy who is visual and from having grown up with a little sister who wasn't that laid-back, it really brought on a lot of challenges for me. I think I asked her if she could set me up with her friends and then she would just get crazy and dumb with me about it. I think she had massive anger issues and blamed me all the time for it! I can't really blame her for trying my best to not offend her but I did anyway because she ticked me off so many times, too.

It's really funny to look back and just see things for what they are. My sister and I have a decent and better understanding. I am a really smart cookie who struggles a lot in the beginning and comes across as a scary lunatic who happens to be so smart! I'm about a head shorter compared to normal guys out there, and this still doesn't matter to people who are afraid of me. It's because they have become paranoid about my abilities from knowing that I am hard-working and seriously have the potential to screw them over and make them lose their position they worked so hard for. It's because they are afraid of not understanding what I'm bothered about, and they want to protect themselves.

From being a direct person, I have this effect of calming people's anger issues down. It's so strong that it even works on me! This is why I'm still writing about it to this day.