Friday, October 25, 2019

Committing To The Effort

It's pretty much the same in what I'm looking for. I'm grinding away while trying to make a lot of money and obtain a really nice beach body. I'm not doing this for trying to get all the ladies, which might be fun but it's more like because I'm just interested in it. It's seriously the same old in that I just need to keep on pushing myself and working hard at it. At least things don't seem so empty anymore with what I'm trying to do in life.

I'm trying to make money from swing trading, programming an app with a group, sticking around to get a pay raise with my day job, and play low stakes poker. I still need to get outside and start hitting the gym to build some muscle. I also would like to start cooking too, so I need to figure all of that out. I mean it's fun to keep on doing the little things, but I think I just have way bigger plans in store for myself. It's still such a rush while feeling stressful sometimes.