Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Not Trying To Leave Things Out

I guess the mind can be a great place to find comfort and joy. Well, it's like this for me because there are things I can find to laugh about all the time. At the same time though, it sucks to remember stuff that makes me want to cuss at the person. I just don't do that to him or her because it's not my preferred style. It's funny though that I didn't mean to scare most of them by sending long messages that are about me explaining why I think they are out of line. It was my attempt to do that while I was mad and being the nicest I can be. I wrote in stuff I don't recall to take some shots at their character while I was mad, so I could laugh about it. Obviously, almost all of them totally lost it and tried to take it out on me but failed to let it go through. It's because it wasn't that serious and they let themselves get all crazy from being so worked up about it. Now that I'm realizing I got away with it and can be happy while still doing nothing about it, it's time to move on.

It feels nice to be confident and if there's not enough, to go work on it. Well, I have to feel apologetic about the past though with those former friends or acquaintances because I didn't know what I was doing and working on some self-control issues. It's good that I find it to be funny again, but I know where I needed to work on to be nicer with my tone. This experience has helped me a lot for dealing with people relationships and stress with actual problems. Communication with girls is really vital and I find that being close to a few of them and butting heads with one girl, I guess I think she's still cute even though she's too weird for me to be with.

This is stuff that I don't really have to tinker too much over anymore because of what I want to make my priorities with gaining happiness. The experience has been truly valuable and meaningful and I'm grateful that I found a way to turn it around for all the future people I end up butting heads with. I'm capable of expressing myself more accurately with them and getting what I intend out of it. It's all based on having personal confidence and putting a lot of hard work into it.