Friday, October 4, 2019

Settling In With Normality and Useful Things

It's pretty obvious that it's common for the majority of people to naturally do what they have to do. For myself, I have had this feeling all my life to procrastinate with doing something because I just don't like the feeling of stressing out. As a kid, it was fun to do some things and surely a lot of that has outgrown me, but now there's even more grown-up fun things to go play and enjoy by going out there to explore the world and meeting a potential mate.

I guess it's come down to the point where I'm just accepting this is what I'm interested in doing and regardless of feeling worn out or not, I still want to gravitate towards it for making myself a decent living and hopefully, become lucky enough to strike gold and then live comfortably while traveling and enjoying things working people can't do. The main things are really personal confidence and putting in a lot of hard work. It's really the foundational principles of my personal life. I still feel totally new to it so in a way, it's wonderful and fresh. I was smart enough to get by in life without a lot of confidence, but now I'm about developing more of it. Deep down, what I think is helping me persevere to get there is really from believing in and trying to study the Bible from just listening to verses everyday. I also pray and think pretty heavily about what I'm listening to sometimes. I have some weird prayers like marry me Jesus, too and then recant those.

Despite not being a really attractive looking guy for obvious reasons that I can find fault with myself: for instance, I'm just short and it's scientifically known that the majority of ladies out there naturally like guys to be taller than me. There are exceptions of course, like taller ladies who want to hit on me. It's no bad phenomenon to me anymore, but just playing some numbers game.

When it comes down to the long run, I think falling in love is the most important characteristic for happy sex! I'm not going to shy away from it while knowing it's a funny comment for little kids out there and some adults who can still live with nice humor. I remember those days. It's really about finding true love after all and that's what it means with hitting the jackpot.

I favor normality with being the basic package I'm looking for in a single lady to be with. Getting some more would make me feel more lucky each time, but the best feeling will always be falling in love! While working on myself, I think letting personal confidence shine brightly the most works like a charm.

It's true that people who have lived like forever on this planet might value an intelligent partner over a good looking one who doesn't want to have sex. Also, having good character might contribute to falling in love. It seems like that from the basis of how a good friend got married. She said that she's jealous of her husband's kindness because she can't match it! Her husband is sort of funny looking to me so it gets me smiling a lot to myself often because she's the better looking half. What I tried to cover over all is that for myself, I need to combine intelligence and good character with hard work and personal confidence to make myself appear to be the most sexy I can be to the single ladies I want to be with and then go ask them out. Hey, it would be pretty interesting if a hot lady thought I was too hot to be with and would be so cool to find out!