Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Making Things Simple For Myself

Everything that's working against me has to really identify with stress and other entertaining distractions. I mean I really have something meaningful to work for now and it's probably based more on my passion. It's something that I really need to recall regularly though so I guess I just have to get myself started and keep moving in that direction I desire. It's wearing me out and it's easy to be lazy after work, but in order to build confidence for myself I really should be continuously working hard.

This also means that I'm going to have to make some lousy sacrifices. After all, I have about 18 subcategories that I want to fulfill daily. There's just too many to list them all in one sitting, so it's cool that I have it all saved in a to-do list on Google Sheets. Going through all of them on this post does feel too sheepish for my standards!