Friday, October 18, 2019

Really Building Some Character

I think it's really about taking things seriously in what you do with your time. What this means to me is laying off of less important things and prioritizing with what I want to really do to get myself going! The more I'm able to focus on what I want, the more sooner I will be able to accomplish it, assuming that it is reasonably within my reach. There are definitely some tasks that I will have to break up into several days because it will take up so much time for just one day even though it may be fun to get consumed by.

I mean I do want to live a balanced life after all and make time to go find myself a beautiful lady to date. I don't think it would be such a hard decision after all then to let go of something really fun, time consuming, and not that significant at all for love. I'm going to have to keep on laying off of surfing the web with some fun curiosities to pass the time that I will most likely be forgetting anyway and go for picking up on more of the actual good stuff!