Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Plan Of Action With Spending Time

It looks like I'm putting too much time into something that doesn't always feel rewarding. Yet, it's something I'm only doing to try to earn money for making a living. I'm basically going to resort back to playing Poker seriously whenever I get laid off from work and really have to now. In the meantime, I do want to still work on building more of my software engineering skills and just keep on practicing with becoming a great swing trader. Adding in Poker has become too much for me with my busy life.

I think this is making a really wise move. In the meantime, I'm just going to keep on going after hard work and staying confident. It looks like I will be trying to tune out a lot of personal distractions and just go after reaching the goals of my true desires. 

Currently, I'm engaged in developing a difficult app with a team on the side and want to put some more effort into building my programming skills. I work as a developer right now so in a way, it's pretty good to add that in as well for my years of experience. I'm slowly finding consistency with being a profitable trader. I would like to hit the gym to build up some more strength and also cook myself some fine meals. I'm also looking to go out to meetup groups which is a place for strangers to socialize and become familiar with each other. It's a great place to make some friends while doing something fun. Just maybe, I'll end up finding someone to be with someday. Also, I'm trying to make some time to keep on listening to my audio Bible daily. I also have a Nintendo Switch with like four controllers to play around with a little for entertainment and to bring with me whenever I can to play with friends.