Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Focusing On Time Management

I think there's really only two things for me to deal with now. The first is pushing myself to do some more and then also dealing with being very sleepy. It's pretty hard to do anything more when I'm under those two modes of thoughts. I guess that's why it's not possible for some people including my friends to be successful. After all, there really needs to be also some type of intelligence involved to be thinking about all these things that I'm dwelling on.

In a way, it's sort of a blessing to not have to worry about what others are really thinking about me now. I think I can seriously live my Christian life for Jesus by doing the best I can to live daily for him while also continuing to try to listen to the Bible daily. I'm actually not religious at all anymore, while maintaining my faith in Christ. The Bible is pretty challenging to listen to and understand sometimes for the most part. I'm just listening from using an audio Bible and it's already like my sixth time going through it in about three years. I never feel like I've heard enough so far!