Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Stuff To Work On

Well, I don't really practice ethical behavior for the most part if I can get still away with it. Probably the only thing I won't ever do is anything dealing with fornication. It's really ingrained in my soul somewhere to get married before enjoying sex! If I had no Jesus in my life, then I would probably have risked catching some venereal disease by now.

I'm not going to lie about the questionable activity I do, but I just do so because it's fun to pass the time with it and it's not really harming my body with drugs neither is it wasting my money from doing so. It's pretty much downloading software that is supposed to be paid for and using it to my heart's content. I haven't been caught, and I think a lot of people in the whole world do it too. I'm working with obtaining pirated copies of video games even though I believe that they are the only software you should ever pay for. The only consequence is really being banned from the developer's main server if they ever find out, so I'm only playing the offline content with other friends. I guess if I enjoy the game so much, then I'll go out and buy it so I can have fun with others online. On the other hand, I don't really have time to play it so I would never go out and buy it right now. I guess for myself, I'm just calling it a long term trial run for me and if I ever feel like spending a decent amount of time playing a fun game, then I'll go out and obtain the legal copy.

I think the trick to not get banned is to buy two consoles. One for amusement purposes and running pirated copies while the other being a fully legal version and then buying all the fun games you love to play for the legal version and keeping it online while the other being like a fun toy to mess with that you keep offline permanently. I'm not even going to host my pirated copies on a server either as I obtain them because I don't believe I should make any profit off of it or propagate it. Pretty much I'm just a leech with downloading copies and ending it there. It's a little dirty trick I'm playing to get away with not having to pay off some people I respect. I guess it comes down to comfort level and for the most part, it looks I'm just part of the minority really who would do something like this in the population anyway.

It's like if people had the time and money to spend, they would get into playing video games but it seems like the average person really doesn't and will get bored of it eventually so he ends up with only a few popular games that he paid for and played his heart out with already. I'm really looking to save money and explore what makes a great video game because I want to make one too, even though I know there will be a minority pirating a copy of my future game. If I ever get there that is because it will be like my end game level.

I think the best people to work with are those who don't really talk about how they are having a hard time with something and just keep going at it. I mean because it's really interesting to them that they will keep on putting in the hard work to try to make it work. If they are already talking about how they are lacking in skills, then I think it's a very toxic attitude to be around. Even though a few of these people are my friends, I don't think I can ever take them on as professional colleagues. I'll have to branch out and look for better people out there to make some money with.