Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How Times Have Changed

I used to have a hard time mentally from feeling worn out and with a moody attitude that would constantly flicker around from being emotionally weak to my surroundings. It wasn't easy because I was looking for approval from others, while not being able to accept everything about myself wasn't good at all. It just started to change around when I decided one day to just keep on working hard while keeping self-confidence. It just happens for me like turning on a switch.

A few things in the past are still pretty irritating for me to think about, but I'm not about to let them put me in a bad mood now. I have come to accept that some people just blocked me on Facebook because they just didn't want to get my messages that they were reading. These people sort of upset me, but not really because I was trying to make fun of them with those messages the whole time to relieve myself of my frustrations with them. They obviously had a hard time with me sending them those messages, which is funny in a way actually. I'm totally okay with how the past turned out for me, and it's all meant for the better because there's always room for me to make personal improvements on.

It really doesn't matter, and if I ever go back to visit the few who chose to stay behind and not move on with their lives yet, I better really have some cute plans in store for them!  I'm not afraid anymore to speak my mind out in person. I feel so alive and considerate with everyone also. It's not about them and never really was, it's always really been about being sure of myself.