Friday, October 4, 2019

New Professional Self-reflections

It's most likely not going to be a good idea to try to gamble for money when I'm really bored now. From having been at amusement parks and while standing in a long line, I have had some connection problems getting to a poker game that plays with a $5.00 buy-in using $0.02/$0.05 blinds. It can considerably be pretty challenging sometimes because a lot of poor people all over the world try to play it to make some extra money on their free time. It's just chump change and sure, it can add up to bigger losses for anyone if he wants to play stupid. From having put some effort into building my skills, I can usually last for a long time with an expected earning wage of only $1.00 per hour. This is why I don't take my game of playing poker very seriously anymore. I don't want to grind my way to the top with those numbers nor improve with more time invested anymore. I get too sick of it after awhile.

Instead of having nothing to do while being bored and trying to do the next easiest thing which is to grind away while gambling for taking home some profit, I can instead focus on building my confidence to approach the attractive and interested, single ladies out there since I'm still available. I could be like heading to the gym or putting in more hours to develop myself as a software engineer. Even better, I could go out with some friends and go do fun road trips with them while putting in some effort with being confident. It's really getting better for me since I am outgoing and not in bad shape.

I have learned that for trading purposes, it's probably better to avoid entering trades on the closing and opening days of the market. For Forex, it opens on a late Sunday afternoon and closes shortly after noon on  Fridays. While it's closing, the opposing price can spike against your trade from its spread rising. During the opening, the market really is warming up and it's pretty hard to get on there since it's relaxing Sunday. Therefore, I consider my trading business hours to be Monday to Thursday. It's definitely not a good thing to look to trade the Forex for fun while being bored. It needs to be treated like a business in order to make some money. This is something I have finally learned for myself.