Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Sticking To The Plan

It seems like my plan is becoming more black and white and aligned with what I want to do. My goal is to pretty much just succeed, raise my confidence, and meet enough single ladies who are my ideal personality types to go dating and eventually marry one! The motivation is really that clear cut and well-worth it for me.

I know that I have my place in this world with software engineering and development. It fills me up with this excitement and joy despite facing a lot of challenges. It's still fun for me, so I guess I shouldn't let up on it because it can be a suitable career for me in the long run. Even when I'm not working, I can still program on the side to try to make money or give back to an open source community.

I hope I can be rich enough to go travel and enjoy a lot of healthy fun activities that include love making with the sexy lady I get paired up with. This is just a hopeful wish that I'm willing to work really hard for, even if it never transpires. In other words, I'm just hoping and okay with accepting if it doesn't happen because I can keep on working on building my confidence.