Thursday, August 27, 2020

Crazy Gameplan

I have finally discerned what I really need to carry out my ultimate plan against a bunch of ruthless and socially awkward church people. It is to just continue managing a lot of self-confidence with a positive attitude!  

I struggled a lot with this because I felt like a shorty and was so negative about it for like the longest time. It distracted me from working at relationships I wanted to make amends with. As expected from crazy people, they hung on to their negativity and kept on complaining to me that I should go find some help. I really didn't because I never had problems with violating any court orders if it ever got there. It already happened to me twice, and I didn't even defend myself while submitting to the maximum civil restraining order for three years each time. It wasn't even that difficult to manage since I didn't have anything special going on with them. My relationship status with all of them is most likely to remain this way. 

Because they lost in the end, it just proves that they are crazy to my mind! I'm the one who is still rejoicing and dancing around while those people go on living their personal lives without me. In the first place, they never had anything to deal with whatever their original problem was with me. By pushing this onto them, it's like letting them know that they are hanging onto negativity and not able to back away from it and will show it by standing pat with some simple action. They are the ones complaining about really something that's not supposed to be bothering them in the first place. I don't mind saying all of this in person now. 

After all, these things are all just flowing through my head naturally now. It's just mainly communicating it in an assertive manner, and this can't happen without me staying confident and accepting that they are crazy people to my mind.