Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Really Excited About My Personal Outlook

I think I've really found the right source to help jumpstart my earnings with making a living and to take charge of my own financially independent life. I'm very optimistic and excited now about seeing a turnaround to my own personal fortune. It's not going to be happening overnight, but at least I believe that I have found good information published by successful investors who are willing to share. I'm going to take this very seriously and ride the wave, since all this hard work to earn a living has left me feeling pretty immune to it. I might as well just do stuff that I'm interested in, while living a quiet and exciting life! 

I'm so used to the downturns of my money not working for me now that it really doesn't bother me and systematically, I'm willing to rebuild again from the bottom. It's just like how stocks work. They rise and fall and you buy and sell and occasionally just take a loss because it's the nature of the business. I'm totally immune to the cycle now because I believe that in the end, I'll be making profit as long as I keep sticking to the right principles. I don't need to experience this 24/7 and that's what investing in stocks and speculating on Forex will offer me.

I'm really looking forward to having a blast for the rest of my life and staying nice to people, even the ones who were so crazy when they thought I was trying to bother them so much. I don't have anything against them anymore, which was basically my need to just keep on venting about how I perceived their poor actions towards me left me infuriated. I'm over it because I accept they are crazy and it's this angry mood I'm able to self-regulate by just accepting the same positive thought of how they are so crazy to me!