Monday, August 3, 2020

Managing Time Better

I'm practically on a roll right now, and I feel that the best way to do good is focusing on things that are important to you and a definite priority with what you have to do. I guess for a time being then my main priority was really more along the lines of continuously having fun and looking for a smoking hot girl who wants to do it a lot with me after getting married. It must be a typical fantasy for guys in general. I lacked a lot of confidence from just being short in general and feeling so much negative energy about it.

Getting out of this phase took awhile, but I really have the Bible to thank for helping me out here. I think it's associated with the act of trying to listen to my audio Bible while driving and letting my mind go someplace else that I've been continuously improving. Basically, I want to focus more on doing what I think or feel are the necessary and practical things while focusing on the excess fun stuff later if I still have time. My personal opinions are of course subject to change on any given moment.  I can work on just doing what I feel is the bare necessities of living a good life responsibly before unwinding with some fun.