Saturday, August 29, 2020

Exercising Proper Concentration

I think a great way of doing this is to just flat out keep on going after your goals, no matter how hard it is or tired you are. It's also to have a positive attitude and to keep on trying! 

For myself, I want to cook decent meals, have nice work outs, and become a millionaire for making a routine living. I'm definitely not afraid either to put myself out there and ask ladies out, but I have my own way of conduct and also personal ethics. I guess it's enough for me to be satisfied with thinking someone I'm associated with as just really hot and be all smiles underneath while talking to her. I think I'll figure something out with my opening lines in asking out for dates without being too intrusive. Overall, I just don't care about being turned down and can take it with a grain of salt since I can just keep on staying positive with myself.

This pretty much means that I should be putting off on lesser thoughts for my main goals that I'm sure about and just go for it. If something happens where if I change my mind then I'll just worry about it then. This is how I ended up letting go of making online Poker as a profession for now. If I don't have any job, then I will take it back up again. It's just for trying to earn income because I can and it can wear me down, so I prefer to just put my money into investing while I spend my time doing other things. 

Overall, my personal considerations are really just investing, getting my trades in, working out, cooking, and doing fun activities that are fulfilling. What I'm trying to do without putting much thought into it is listening attentively to the Bible daily.