Saturday, August 8, 2020

Fixing Up Yesterday

I realize now that I'm laying off of playing online Poker during work nights. It just takes too much of my time to earn a decent living! I prefer to spread out my risk while trading stocks and currency on a long term scale, which means the ups and downs will be on autopilot. As long as I end up with some profit, I can continue to work with this while I do other things worth my time. I had a lot of fun watching this popular anime series about this guy who is shorter than me in real life but is the strongest character in the show! This gets me ideas on how I should start pumping some iron and strutting my stuff while not worrying about being written off as a shorty by the shallow crowd. I'm not really so concerned about it anymore, and what helped me get over it was just developing my personal confidence through hard work and maintaining a positive attitude! 

I ended up binge watching the series a little bit more than I should have while neglecting my main activity of work I had in mind of doing. I will this time put in a little bit of work and then watch the show, while mixing it together this time. If I have the time, then I will start preparing for what to cook and also make preparations for going on a hiking trip for next month to Yosemite National Park. It's operating but they are limiting the amount of visitors and I was fortunate to reserve one of their available spots. We will be playing the lottery in a span of three days to try to hike their most popular one called the Half Dome!