Monday, August 24, 2020

Understanding Purpose to Most of My Activities

1. For working out, it's mainly to lose ten more pounds and then maintain it while building some muscles. It's just to feel I'm strong enough and look good as well.  

2. and 3.  I'm working at a family-owned business and lucky to have been a part of it for almost five years. Working here is about making money, so I can save and invest myself to a financially independent life. It's going to take awhile, and I don't mind so I might as well do a good job here until I'm no longer officially needed.

4. Cooking is to supplement my life with tasty food that I can get from recipes and to also be able to share it with loved ones or acquaintances. Buying food at restaurants is starting to feel really old for me and from having taken the time to cook home-made meals, they truly are the best when all the ingredients get lined up well. 

5. Everything else is just playing with my imagination whether it's for better or worse sometimes. I can think about a few scenarios at any time where I regret having ever been a part of and feel very uncomfortable about it. There's just really nothing I can do about the past now and have to move on while turning myself into a better person. 

Overall, I should be focused on #1-4 whenever I have the chance to do so, until I feel like I've done enough to go out and have fun or I'm just not in that favorable position yet.