Monday, August 31, 2020

Working Out Status

At the moment, I think from keeping myself indoors and not taking any gym classes due to the Coronavirus situation, I've gained almost ten pounds from my normal weight. I would like to also be ten pounds under my average and call it my ideal weight from there and then pack on some upper body muscles just for the looks. I don't really care about being the strongest out there! 

I think I just want enough muscle to feel good about how I look and be happy about it- that's all. I don't need it to wage street wars against enemies and intimidate others. It might be fun to arm wrestle and beat this one annoying dude I know though. I can make that my motivation for my physical purpose then- beating strong, crazy people at arm wrestling! 

It's really all in the confidence whether things turn good or get sour. I prefer to be the more positive type of person though, so thinking people are crazy may be negative to others but to me, it's funny and that's a very positive feeling so I'm happy and it all works out in the end. I can't stay mad at them and that's what matters to me the most. It's also a very fun discussion point that I'm sure my opponents would love to stray away from while around others, especially if I have many jokes I would love to calmly tell about them with outsiders listening in.