Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Understanding How to Make Money

For myself, I'm currently thinking that grinding a lot of my time to make money in online Poker is going to be a pipe dream. It's not what I'm really thrilled about doing personally. It's just going to be something recreational or another job if I end up losing the current one I have. I prefer my style to be hands-off instead of being there for hours. Even with an automated robot playing for me in Poker, I don't think that will even be plausible for me since Poker players are smart and will figure out its weaknesses and then take advantage of it. 

I think I'll stick to dreaming about making my money from investing and trading currency. I can see this working out for me in the long run. Right now, it's just playing the waiting game and putting in a decent portion of my income for saving. I seriously think I'm in the right investing group and have found the one that will lead me to financial independence. 

What I believe is going to make my run faster to riches in the long run will be my Forex trading skills that I have been working on. Along with the expected income I can make out of this, I will then allocate some more of the surplus into investing with stocks and other precious metals to create a profitable portfolio. I think I'm going to settle for a lifetime membership with this one group I am following, once I have made enough from it.