Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Putting Some Serious Thought into Finding the Right Lady

I have a solid relationship with my best friend and I'm one of those lucky guys out there to have one who is a girl! I did quite a bit of serious thinking, and it looks like she might not really be the one for me after all. It may sound depressing if any readers were shipping us all this time, but I have a few main reasons for believing this way right now. 

It looks like with our conversations, they don't usually get so deep that I feel any satisfying connection. It's more along the lines of moving along with daily living. The things we talk about are mainly daily functions and things that appeared to be amusing in the past. It also appears that her interaction with me is mainly all about her! It's not that she's self-centered but I have realized that she's about living for things in this world that makes her feel sensual. It's like she's practicing some form of escapism for entertainment or personal pleasure. I'm not so much into it anymore and probably can't keep up with her. Maybe in the beginning, because I thought she was such a cute girl and wanted a relationship that I became so energized to try to do everything with her. 

Now, her being attractive in appearance just doesn't matter to me anymore! It's weird because I still dig attractive looking women. I think it's just an added bonus for my dream girl, but not my core requirements to be satisfied in general. I have a dumb close friend who can't talk to women and get in any serious relationship while still going nuts for my best friend. It's not mainly about the looks, and he just doesn't care to listen like a numbskull! I have shut him down and don't associate with him right now to provide better enjoyment for my best friend and allow myself to cool off from constant frustration.

The first thing I'm looking for in a proper lady is really her gorgeous personality. My best friend struggles in that category by several miles. I prefer to just befriend ladies without showing any hints of wanting to date them so I can be sneaky about getting to know their true sides. If they end up getting used to me as just a friend and don't want to be pursued then it doesn't matter to me. I just don't care because I have gained so much personal confidence. 

Another important quality that I'm weighing in is that I just want to feel satisfied with how we're connecting at a wonderful level. I'm sure this could be a struggle in plenty of guy-girl relationships, and it seems like it's a really huge one for lesbian couples. I also share this sentiment and it doesn't really have to be about erotic purposes either. 

Those are the minimum things I'm looking for in my future partner to share a satisfying life and never turn crazy while feeling no regrets. My dream girl which I can live without but don't mind waiting for since I just don't care from being so confident with myself now is how she would enjoy spousal-related erotic activities while sporting an attractive body! That's really all there is to it for me. 
Getting back to my best friend and there's no offense taken by either of us right now, she will be so far behind if she ever wants to consider being in love with me.