Friday, September 18, 2020

Making Proper Use of Time

It looks like I'm sensing a lot of personal time for myself daily now that I'm not so caught up with being entertained so much anymore. It's great with how investing in stocks and swing trading the Forex market to speculate doesn't take me that long to manage. It's really awesome how there's much more time to do things for myself, along with not having commitments with some girlfriend right now. I'm not really feeling lonely at all either and just combatting all of my negative feelings from just thinking positive and staying confident with everything I'm going through. 

I have identified some areas to make better use of my time while keeping a positive and confident attitude. It's basically working out, doing some cooking, socializing with people, and programming on my computer. If I end up having much more time later on from getting really lucky, then I guess I can add on traveling with friends and doing some media editing to add to the list of my fun activities. It looks like my core preference to be satisfied in my life is to just stay practical. I did get invited to a trip by one of the ladies who I have a chance to form a strong dating relationship with. 

Out of the two ladies I have a decent shot at love with right now, I'm heading towards the more stable one right now. My best friend is the less stable one unfortunately, and it looks like I never really felt a natural attraction to her in the beginning. She does have a pretty cute face and physically arousing upper body. One of my close friends wants to make a move on her, but I don't think he's a great person from being an egomaniac. I have distanced myself from him on purpose and messaged him that I'll go visit him once after I raised my million dollars, have a six pack, and have made a settlement with what's left out of that old church which ousted me out of a crazy misunderstanding. I don't think he will even remember it because he has this delusion that he likes to play with by thinking he's in some multi-dimensional universe with infinite copies of ourselves. It's almost like his religion which he won't agree with because he thinks it's so true. In a sense, I guess he's already taken by himself unless you are willing to hook him up but then he will still underplay it much as possible. It's better off just leaving him alone to his own devices. He's a lost cause in my own opinion. I can see why his dad likes me coming to visit. It's because nobody really cares that much like I have in the past.  

There are better people out there to go entertain and with this never ending personal confidence of mine, it will be possible. It's like dealing with much higher quality than stocks. You make friends with good ones and then cut down on spending time with underperforming ones and then go search for new opportunities to keep on growing as a person.