Thursday, September 24, 2020

Developing Daily Schedule

I think the biggest aspect for me to have gotten over is feelings of insecurity. Now, I feel a lot more freedom to do what I have in mind with my free time. It just doesn't bother me anymore to keep on working on myself and being patient about receiving what I desire. I'm really happy to have found my dream goals of making a living and to work on it. 

The biggest gamble I'm dealing with right now is playing a little bit of online Poker. I'm noticing that to make money in this game, you have to play against bad players consistently and end up taking their money!  Being anonymous, players won't be able to tell that I'm becoming more experienced and then try to avoid me but on the flip side, it can also help some bad players who like to rely on luck. 

The best way to invest and make money is to avoid losing much as possible. Keeping this in mind, I find that it makes sense just to bet up to one buy-in and then call it a day after doubling it up or losing at least half of it. My break even point will then be at the worst 50% wins which isn't that hard to maintain better. Even on some occasions, I will leave the table and cut my losses with a piece of my buy-in remaining which would then lower my break even point on average.

By sensibly playing with only one buy-in, I don't lose my sleep over it considering the amount of time it takes me to win or lose. It's also what I could call bringing in a little low-stakes excitement upon my life. 

Right now, I'm starting off small but I feel that managing my low maintenance style will start growing into big money at a reasonable time.