Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Building a Good Life

Today, I'm realizing that personal freedom is definitely a wonderful privilege to maintain. There are plenty of moments where the self can feel a little doubt and sometimes depressed, but snapping yourself out of it is why you are able to keep on living in the first place! 

I have noticed now that it's just energy and sometimes it feels negative but now, it's something I'm able to block out better. It's probably because I do quite a bit of endurance running of at least 8 miles or approximately 12.9 km of trail running which includes some uphill moments. My body has felt like passing out plenty of times and I want to take a break sometimes, but I've kept on telling myself that I'm going to keep on moving and at least run a little faster than just jogging all the way! I don't ever regret completing these workouts and I'll be going back to do it again, no matter how I'm feeling at the moment.

Reflecting upon it, I guess as long as I can stay awake and focused then I can accomplish what needs to be done eventually. Some are a lot more difficult than others, but that's the point of continuously working hard to achieve something.