Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Just Committing to It

I guess it might feel crazy sometimes and anti-climatic but diving into a daily, active life is probably the way to go. From the investing that's going on, I'm not really spending a lot of time on it from using trusted sources. For my Forex trading, I have yet again made another adjustment to it and it's pretty much going to be like learning as you go. Maybe, I will get around to automating it. 

Right now, I don't think I need to focus on my online graduate classes for now. I'll just let it collect some online dust and get back to it if I'm ever looking for work again. I have a pretty cushy job even though I wish to go off on my own and earn a million dollar salary with a lot of time on my hands. This is why I have chosen to get myself into investing and trading. 

With playing online Poker, it does help pass the time but I think I want to focus on other things and only play it when I'm waiting around at a venue. It can be played on the phone. I don't really care about losing to bad beats or better hands anymore. It's pretty much a form of gambling, so what do I have to expect in the end? I'm playing with real money, so losing will be a teaching tool to not go all in if the opponent is putting in this much money at a certain situation. 

There are some very skilled players though, but I'm not nearly at their level as I would like to think, so as a recreational player I'm trying to always mimic professional players by playing tight with my money and then turning aggressive on decent hands. I'll just walk away from the temptation to turn great because the game feels like rust to me after playing for a while. My ultimate goal is to be a multi-millionaire with a lot of free time on my hands and playing Poker regularly will not be giving me that type of desired life-style from having to commit my time to being at tables.

However, if I end up losing my job and need to take on some odd jobs to scrap by, then I will play this game again. I'm looking to stay an investor for a lifetime and make a living out of it while having so much free time to do whatever like spending time to cook delicious and healthy food while traveling the world to places. It would be even nice to donate a chunk of change to non-profits and get a tax write-off from the inefficient government! 

This weekend is just going to be a lot of planning for me, working out, and trying to cook something.