Sunday, August 16, 2020

Holding It Together With Confidence

I think from keeping a positive mindset underneath all the challenges that life brings forth is the way to go! What also helps fuel it a lot is from having come to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. From trying to listen to the Bible and letting myself be willingly opened up to it, it really does give me this sense of serenity. I still don't understand everything that's happening in the Bible, and it's like my 10th follow through on listening to it while driving on the road and sorting through so many personal distractions. I think it's the thought that counts, along with the effort that I'm trying to make daily which is starting to pay off. 

Self-confidence probably really means assertiveness, since it's a state of not letting anything truly bug you to the point of no return. I'm not so bothered by the socially awkward people I dealt with in the past now. I think that's how they were truly acting, which really agitated me and gave me anger issues for a while that I finally learned to surrender. I didn't do anything bad to them either. They were just seeing things from having felt really bothered about trying to help me out. They were just being really immature with me, and it's okay because I can feel content about what I want out of them 24/7 and wherever they are at. I'll even make it up on the go, if I have to resort to it.  

Reflecting with confidence in my personal abilities has been fun to do lately. I really like focusing but not getting myself too carried away. It's really just a matter of continuously trying now.