Saturday, June 26, 2021

Getting Things in Line

It looks like I have quite a bit of business to take care of right now. Mainly, I need to renew my commercial driver license, pay for registration, refinance my car, and complete my tax return! 

I should get on it and complete those things as fast as possible. It's just that I keep putting it off because the deadline is further, but it looks like those are the only things remaining for me that I really need to take care of. I don't really have time to play right now and should finish up so that I can be content about letting myself relax again. I will be going at it then like paying for registration is just writing a check for a big bill! 

I should be able to get through all of it in a few days at most. The main things I'm doing at home right on work nights is managing my stocks and trades after having dinner. This is the main routine for me.