Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Staying Fixated on Main Goals While Enjoying Life Best as Possible

I think this is pretty much the natural intent for a lot of people. Most of us probably have something that we want to strive for in the future. It's probably going to be laid out into different categories which I don't wish to cover but only focus on myself. This blog is in itself sort of an autobiography while being an outlet to have fun writing about anything on my nice-oriented mind! Well, I like to make fun of Crazy Lee to this day so I'll say that I want to keep laughing about all of it while being a decent person. 

I want to get rich while having fun doing things and looking to eventually get married to someone and raise a family. The girl I'm hanging around with the most is someone who I actually like as a person, and I feel this comfortable spark with her. I fight back some feelings of envy whenever she wants to hang out with her guy friends, but it's only because I haven't agreed to any serious relationship with her yet. I can put my trust in her from knowing we are really good friends. If she wants to be happy with another, then I'm not going to hold that against her and don't mind honestly. I have other ladies that I can stay interested in for the time being while looking to settle with someone. 

There might be serious potential for me with this girl I'm hanging out with, since she's beautiful, quite sassy, and nice while she's holding onto being single for now. I think I feel really good about the thought of being with her, but it just hasn't quite come out as that established yet. 

As of now, I'm working on owning a new place and then plan to ask my friend out to dinner after. I haven't yet thought any further after that.