Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Reflecting on Something Spiritually

I thought I was in trouble with the caregroup in the past. Crazy Lee put a restraining order on me and made implications that I was condemned by God over an act that was never justified through her own eyes, but by hearsay of another individual who just didn't care to step forward to identify him or herself.

These days, there's the Me movement and any acts of actual harassment should be addressed and brought forward to the state of law.

This never occurred for me because it never happened and that individual who failed to step forward only made my life more miserable over something that hardly mattered to the actual state of the church. It resulted in Crazy Lee's restraining order being shredded by the judge in default manner and "Dismissed with prejudice."

A similar situation happened for me during my time serving in the military. My own supposed comrades were making wild accusations and getting a few others to shamefully side with them temporarily. I thought I was going to face possible military condemnation which I feared the most. It never passed. I finally received my dream letter of "Honorable Discharge" after they delayed out-processing me which they detailed in the letter that there's no actual fault on me.

I can only reflect that they were trying to hold onto me because my military record was squeaky clean while following superior's orders satisfactorily. I even have a higher rank than what most enlisted soldiers will ever receive. As a result, everything just deals with angry people becoming dumb and failing to get anything off the ground with me.

I was trying to shoulder all the blame on myself and going for pleasing these misguided, poor souls. I thought I had the ability to do it all on my own and would be for my own glory.

This isn't the case at all. "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)