Friday, October 7, 2022

Personal Biggest Trick for Accomplishing Things

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. Fall in love with the type who fulfills my preferences and then marry this good woman.
  2. Work on staying concentrated and finishing in a timely manner.   
  3. Handle an important task at work.   
  4. Conduct regular hygiene. Take shower before sleeping.
  5. Work out regularly with cardio-muscular exercises. 
  6. Stay up a little later at night to manage trades.
  7. Finish reading a novel  
  8. Buy a single family home. 
  9. Finish my software engineering related courses.
  10. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products.
  11. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! 
  12. Do some smart cooking.
  13. Prepare for trips. Create and use a checklist. Buy tickets
  14. Finish voting on mail-in ballots
  15. Buy an acceptable mini drone for travel.
It looks like this list is turning out to be a very helpful way to organize my daily thoughts during the week. I'm only boldening the parts that I think I can accomplish for the time being. 

Something new that I have learned not too long ago is to basically force a genuine smile on your face whenever anything negative for whatever reason comes your way. Thinking about how short I am compared to other tall people, I'm putting a smile on my face right now. 

It looks like I stopped caring to be honest and I'm just not meant to be a special and talented kid who goes on to be an NBA star while feeling the rush of dunking for millions of dollars! It's worth putting on that smile when things feel a little rough for yourself appropriately. 

Next step is to just put in the hard work for whatever you are trying to accomplish. It's really that simple.