Monday, December 27, 2010

Adjusting Life With Personal Considerations

I think this blog is easily going to get overlooked because all that I cover is pretty much being straight-forward. By doing this, it's really helping me to see life as a grown-up. Honesty is better than concealing because that's the way it should be, and it does promote peace because obviously, whose going to in their right state of mind say that they want to harm another individual honestly. I would take self-defense courses, if a person threatened me like that and he really meant it- haha; it would also help me protect my girl too haha. I'm not sure how tall I stand and I haven't really looked it up because feelings about my height make me feel unstable so I try to ignore it while doing yoga to try to strengthen my back a little. Feeling like I have a stretched and stronger backbone makes me feel taller and gives me the confidence I want to personally find from being a taller person.

Honestly, even for being a short person, I'm pretty lucky in that I'm stocky and potentially naturally well-built that I could probably find a soul mate whose about 3 inches taller than me. That would mean that it would cover the majority of women in the world with my dating pool which isn't that bad for me, so I don't know what I've been feeling sad about back then. I have body parts except for my average hands and overall height all around that are slightly above average the national length of about a 5' 9" male. If you don't believe me, then just come take a look at me more closely. Because of these large and thick parts, I feel like I'm more glued to the earth's surface sometimes- haha.

With my line of work, there's so much information on it and so many ways of going about it that a person wouldn't be able to keep up and know how to use it if I covered all the complicated theories on this blog. I do have a personal journal where I log in all my business habits which might also be difficult for a person who isn't interested in my field. Yet, I am interested and having fun because it's my own personality that I'm working with. It's also hard for me to look at other people's notes on my business and not feel bored at times. It's exciting because I'm personally engaging in this behavior and learning something that is a consistently profit generating business.

I've found through some honest videos from poker pros that the field is very streaky meaning that one person could keep on winning and another could keep losing no matter how good the person is. There are obviously pros who know how to manage their bets with simple principles and minimize losses while making acceptable gains. For myself, I find it too unacceptable to put faith on having too many losses so I guess poker is not really for me generally speaking. Amongst friendly competition and to have fun, a little bit doesn't hurt to entertain myself so my game is pretty good from making millions of dollars of fake money in poker, so just playing for a real dollar is something I can't take seriously anymore.

Therefore, after analyzing my times of poker playing for real money, I've decided to not really go back into it and become serious about it because I feel too uncomfortable with poker. I have found another means to make good money which could have better odds stacked in your favor at all times- investing in a trillion dollar market: foreign currency exchange. For this market, I see potential in that it could eventually make me any amount of profit that I desire, and I feel really comfortable in it so it's like my pot of gold that I became fortunate with. I'm also contributing to the economic health of capitalism and about giving back what I earn to the needy, so it's a win-win situation with this job that I'm doing.