Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hard Work

Basically, right now I really want to be about giving it all I've got. Whenever I'm at my computer, I get these cravings of busting out with a game and just start playing it for hours. I still have them after all these years of playing video games! I guess I just really like playing video games then so I'm going to have to work against it for awhile now because I really want to focus on having something that could support me.

There are other things I want to try out besides just playing video games. I believe it's probably better for me to not really watch television or play video games as much as possible for me for right now. I really need to focus on disciplining myself with this business that I want to be a part of.

It's really humbling for me to have a business. I'm sure there are a lot more productive things I could try out besides just playing games and would contribute to a lot of fun. Possibly the rewarding nature of work could be those moments on vacation or really hanging out with some good friends. I'm pretty much shaping up now because I really desire to get there without really giving up. I guess a new methodology for me to gain is resiliency.

I guess I don't take it too seriously if a girl wants to reject my advances haha- I wouldn't really mind if she wanted to be with someone else. I'm about being loving, caring, and supporting and all of that good stuff a girl would want haha; maybe, she wouldn't really be the right person for me after all. 

For me these feelings of playing video games is so strong and my desire is that I don't want to, that I sometimes have to take a break and meditate on good things. My age also feels like it could creep up to me any day, so I really need to keep that into consideration about my future. Ultimately, whatever people say and do to me to try to influence me into their thinking, I'm still going to be me in the end and really rely on the good Lord as my main direction; it's a good thing I'm starting to know what I'm laughing about dealing with people who just can't seem to be perfect with me while they think they know more than me.