Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Taking A Step Forward

I guess writing for me has always been about finding personal comfort. I've never really worked so extensively on it to be a crowd pleaser. Haha. I realize that my mind was boggled by people who were too far-fetched with me and would get me to a point of wanting to be angry with them. Haha. I just can't stay mad forever anymore and  incapacitated. It's in my biological genes where my mind becomes happy- I think I have the happy gene. I'm pretty much laughing underneath a lot and should be able to do this in person if I ever come across some weird people again. Keeping my distance from people is actually naturally easy for me, so someone trying to put a restraining order on me in the near future is going to get humiliated in court- I guarantee it. Haha.

That was pretty cool to draw eyes towards me- I am male and can act like I'm the alpha male with a whole ton of confidence. I've been asked to be someone's wing man before which is fun but just that I wasn't sure who he was asking me to do it for- he was just using hand gestures with me that we agreed upon. Haha. What's on the outside doesn't seem to draw too many comments but on occasion I hear thoughts about me being short. I'm actually smiling about thinking with me being part of the short crowd now. I wish I was lighter but my bones are so thick and my body has this capability of storing some fat that I can outweigh a really thin person whose a foot taller than me haha. Call me short and fat and dumb and whatever you want, I'm still acting like an alpha male and helping others out of wanting to be charitable- I realize that it feels really good to be a giving person. It's uncomfortable at first, but the joy of doing it feels so good later on in the road.

It really doesn't matter what your physicality is when it comes to being a dictator which is a position I abhor. I don't want to force someone with my alpha personality to marry me haha- let's say I do and then force some babies to be conceived then it might be uncomfortable if the person wants to be released from this spell that comes from me being an alpha male. I am a short and weak alpha male who doesn't mind working out to gain strength, speed, agility, flexibility, and mental alertness. Haha. Watch, I'm going to get six pack abs someday and run the Iron Man Challenge- I'll be sitting around last place so not even going to be noticed on TV; unless, the audience knows how to take notice of that short person in the background. Haha.

I'm not really considered a midget haha but I've seen one on TV who loves being one and making a living out of him being an alpha male midget. Haha. Someone who is really small can still make a respectable amount of money and attract some ire from tall people. The shortest man in the world was about a foot in length, and he sadly passed away due to inevitable diseases that came from being a chain smoker.

I've been giving effort in trying to write about just plain anything that comes on top of my mind. I wonder how it would be like for me to actually put together a cheap story and try to draw some laughs with it. Writing can surely release a lot of tension as one writer put it. I'm also planning on opening my old blog again which brought some controversy and tension in my life, but was not really that serious. I don't really mind the attention it attracts anymore because I'm going to stay true to myself and acknowledge who I am. It has some interesting posts- that's for sure, I would say because my thoughts were all over the place and I was trying to zone in on somewhere and so was experimenting with things I didn't seem to understand. I'm ready to meet more wonderful and weird people separately that originates from me sharing my blog with the world. Hopefully, the weird person(s) I'm alluding to will know who I'm talking about and that he or she will be able to stay humble and not get all A.W.O.L. with me. I'm definitely not that interested in pursuing a relationship with them. If I do, it's because I want to be a charitable person and make them feel even more weirder and help them not to feel that way at the same time. There are a lot of cute people who are very nice and well-brought up and really easy to respect and get along with and probably even great about entering a good relationship if you know what I mean. I'm still considerably young (under thirty) so I'm in luck. Haha.