Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One Last Post Before I'm Off To Vacation

Okay, I'm going to be gone for awhile so I'm just writing as much as I can on this blog because I want to keep up with the 365 posts / year deal. I want to average 1 post / day. It will mean something to me. I guess that's not really dedicated because just 1 post of writing everyday means not really that much.

I am obviously getting really close as one can see to my goal of 365 for this year alone. I guess I'll have something to celebrate about at New Years Day because I'm going to be talking about how wonderful New Years Day is instead of what I feel about my writing. 

Obviously, I did make some developments in my writing trend so it was pretty good to keep this thing going. I even found a reason to get someone (Betty Lam of Hope of God Church L.A.) off that weird people list I invented, and I did mention real names with a real place hoping they would get enough exposure from my writing. Like they are a super political power whose going to act like a mafia because they can't even if they wanted to with me now. They were actually weird though, and a lot of that can be justified by covering some Bible verses that they use and try to make meaning out of.

I get so much credibility and they don't. I benefit and they lose something. It was an exchange for something better on my end. I can live with it for the rest of my life; I chose to forgive them awhile go completely, so writing about it is giving me more experience while I'm away from them- this is how I'm developing and getting a more balanced assertion for myself with others who are weird just like them. I'm probably going to laugh a lot more now when people act weird like that with me now in the future- I'll obviously still choose to be nice out of my willingness to submit to what Christ would want for me to do.

I'm definitely ready and I can see how F. Chick (Carlos Julio Rojas) hahaha joins in with the weird crowd because he likes to associate with them really well. This is what I really don't mind now and can laugh about. I have a new person to add onto the weird list; he's F. Chick which stands for failure chicken. He's been going to that weird church and is going to contribute pretty badly for them on the long run and influence new people to not really come because of his unsaved character which he wants to hang on to forever. In a way, if I can't be the good person who bonded and loved some people there dearly because of these weird people, then it should be made known of their faults while I'm away. They are pretty much like a weed that can't be pulled off the lawn because they planted their foot and claimed their spot. F. Chick is just a play on nickname I created for him. A friend who knows F. Chick really well says that sounds like a porn star's name or something weird like that; anyway, it's stuck with me still ever since. I really think it fits him pretty well. If F. Chick was a girl, he would get an F for his effort in being a graceful person. By the way, I'm the one who introduced and encouraged F. Chick to keep going to that weird church; I am happy to do the world a service for making it a better place and hopefully that's what happened. The event that happened which caused this rift is an anomaly in which they couldn't let go of everything as I went up to try to appease their anger which they had trouble getting rid of. I really could have forced them to not get angry with me if I wanted to, but I chose to take the respectful approach which they selfishly refused. I reiterate that I forgive them for their mistake that really puts their church off the People's Map! Haha.