Thursday, December 2, 2010

Schedule I Need To Focus On

I am considering myself a newbie with being a Forex trader, and it is quite a challenge. What it allows you to do is to test the market using a demo account. I'm going to have to adjust my hours accordingly. I wake up at around 8 or 9 in the morning, so I'm pretty much starting off the morning by working out (walking usually if I'm going to be sore) about an hour and a half and then I get some food. I then get carried away with some distractions usually- I should seriously keep this to a minimal amount. I think I'll just give myself a free hour or two to just read up on anything I want to online because there's some news that I want to keep up with.

I'm usually sleeping at about 1:30 in the morning, so that gives me about 17 hours to use. That is a lot of time in my hands, especially since I'm dedicating myself to being a trader and not really having to work like regular people do. They say the best times to trade are at evening to late at night, so I get to dedicate learning to trade about 5.5 hours each night during the week day. That would mean I have 8 hours down time remaining during the week day and am going to be virtually free on the weekends. Aside from taking many breaks to cool off my frustrations of not doing so way with my practice, I'm seriously going to read up on mastering Forex and tweak around with it by messing around in my demo account, until I can get it right; I'm just not going to care if I mess it up because there's no end to how many demo accounts you can have. It can be made difficult to blow out an account if that is desirable, so in a way a pretty secure profession could be made out of this if a lot of effort is put into it. I'm going strong with it so far, so I'm going to keep it up. Once I master this Forex business, I'm going to have so much time on my hands with a lot of money to spare for hobbies or donating to serve God. 

The distractions I would like to eliminate are playing video games (unless I'm trying to stay awake or it is the weekend). I need to have confidence in this because that's probably going to be key for me in staying persistent on this journey; I also need to not let this thought of wanting fast money get to me either and just be patient about it right now.