Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve

Aside from me not paying rent so far because of my parent's grace, I'm going to start paying them rent eventually. Right now, I'm really not asking them for any money as I still work and figure out how I'm going to make enough to support myself right now. I do have luck because I have what I'm looking for, which is being able to stay home and work on something that I really want to do. I have some income from having figured out where I should invest and it's been bringing in some income to support me.

When I have enough that a regular person makes, then I will start figuring out my taxes and all of that mess which I hired someone to do for me so that I wouldn't get in trouble with the law. That's a good thing because it will save me a lot of time while I'm pretty much in charge of my own business right now; I do remember the girl I write about occasionally and labeled her as being part of the weird group from Hope of God Church, L.A. (long introduction needed)- Annie Tran basically was doing her taxes and it looked really tedious enough that I could get a migraine from the thought of having to manage how much I would owe the government and what I would get back in return.

It's sort of cool to have a "weird group" that I could write about to liberate myself and express things about them to hopefully gain a better understanding. At the same time, I'm being truthful. Oh yeah, they placed their signatures on this piece of paper that didn't even have a line for signing. I didn't sign their papers individually so I never really agreed to whatever junk they wanted me to do. I think it would be a compromise of my identity security if I signed my real signature about 8 times and they all had an ideal copy of my signature. Oh yeah, my favorite signature is from Betty because I'm not even counting her in the group. She's going to be like a friend to me or that's what I want and it's really reasonable on the long run because I have a very confident understanding of her now with the few years I got to know her; we hung out too which was fun and she seemed nice enough. I mainly added in Chai, Bae (haha, bubba sheep), and F. Chick (not a real moniker, something I invented and might never get there with people who know him and because of his characteristics); their signatures are not part of that fake contract they failed to communicate with me and were just finding excuses to take the easy way out.

One of my main goals right now is to limit the amount of time I play video games. Yes, a lot of those games are so fun and addicting that I could spend 12 hours and forget that I even had a life to begin with. It's pretty foolish, and I would say it's not that bad to keep your mind engaged with something when you are young. It's sort of like analyzing a book just that your hands and eyes are doing something practically every second. Yeah, it gets sort of hard to play video games forever if you don't have the passion because it is relatively a difficult thing to do.

It's like being a pupil of the master- your own video game which you hired. Haha. I'm just making jokes about about my truthful life. Playing video games kept me out of trouble and from doing drugs because drugs would make me stink at playing video games- haha. I would hate SPEED the worst- don't want to be so hyperactive when you have to slow down your character in a level that requires slowing down. Being stoned would mean that my character would keep dying if I had a partner who was betting against me and I would repeat the process over and over by inventing some stupid and hallucinated story involving my money running away from me with me laughing so hard about it.

Overall, I believe that video games in moderation is not a bad deal. I'm going to start buying myself a dance pad sooner or later for the Wii or Playstation and start working out with doing some moves for fun. I also asked Annie (the one I'm writing about) one time since she was a cheerleader (don't know if she was head cheerleader) if she knew how to coordinate dance moves- the reason for asking is because I wanted to create a Christian DDR for fun and possibly try to create moves that came from famous Christian artists like Switchfoot. She declined because I think she was too discombobulated about her life, meaning she was acting weird in person with me while she was going through with something. Maybe she thought the impossible would result from that- me asking her out? Nah, I'm not interested in her anymore. In the beginning, I was attracted to her but then again thinking about her behavior and preferences, I'm like looks don't matter to me. Betty felt she wasn't that good looking and I guess by me stating that I'm pursuing a friendly relationship with her, it should make me look good with others around the weird group who started this whole mess with me. Annie's also considered to be not the best looking girl according to some statistics haha so maybe I was naturally attracted to her because it felt fitting to me to go after her. Because of the former attraction, I was capable of paying attention to her and remembering stuff about her- boy, she really irritated me with some of the things she did. I'm really glad it didn't become that serious. In conclusion to this whole creating my own Christian DDR for laughs and possibly from hacking the machine so I can't really sell it without permission; I'll get this other girl I know who seems capable of doing it for fun with me.

To summarize this whole addicting post meaning it might make you laugh, I need to limit my game playing time. I need to spend more time in the field that I'm currently driving a business in by learning all the ends that will make me successful- even during the slow and fast times. A slow period is like a 50% growth still if you know what you're doing and can be pretty common. A fast period is like a 1000% growth which is making my mouth salivating with all the delicious food I can buy from the profit- of course I have to run the Iron Man Challenge eventually because that's part of my goal to burn off all that fat.