Monday, December 3, 2012

My Way of Competing For Attention

The way I have been scoring dates with pretty attractive women is not even realizing that they are very pretty in the beginning of my interactions with them. Others might find them so pretty but I find their inner beauty is what draws me to them and I seem to be able to find flaws about them in their physical appearance, so it was hard for me to be comfortable about any girl's appearance for me. It's like the perfect appearance isn't there, so now I'm just naturally connecting to the woman's personality.

From what a well-sought after womanizer and lover would say, he mentioned that beauty isn't found in the skin but from having this exuberant confidence in personal body image. I guess you would rather be in love with a person whose really confident and knows what she's about and doesn't make too much of a fuss about how she appears with her partner to others.